These two beautiful individuals, equally represented in the below photo (as captioned by Nicole), would like to invite us all to have dinner together at Yoichi's.
While the majority of people being invited here probably already know what Yoichi's is - anyone who might not or who needs a refresher can check it out here: this link is probably exclusively for KT.
I personally have never been and am excited to go. I would like to let you all know, however, the risk to your health in committing to this dinner:
We're proposing Friday, August 19th, 2022. Open to additional suggestions, however, we will need to make advance reservations.
I'm personally recommending far enough in the future that you're able to find a suitable pair of elastic-waisted pants, but not so far in the future that you have enough time to pick up a serious drug habit.
And to end on an unrelated note, please enjoy this photo of Dave performing manual labor. While one might think it's a photo of him filling in the driveway at their home to save KT the shame of having to reverse out of it again, it's actually a load of our quality SB mulch because their home is actually too nice now after being remodeled and they needed to be humbled by the smell. The pungent, earthy aroma is a constant daily reminder to stay grounded.
Please RSVP via text and we look forward to group participation in one of the seven deadly sins.